International businessman Mark Majzner is also a successful entrepreneur, having managed and started a number of successful companies in his career. As an international businessman, Mark Majzner has come into contact with many other successful entrepreneurs the world over, and has gleaned a good deal of advice and expertise from them, as well. Here are a few of his tips for those budding entrepreneurs seeking advice.

  Have a plan. Mark Majzner has seen all too many starry eyed would-be entrepreneurs who head into their new business venture with an inadequate business plan, or even without a plan at all. For Mark Majzner having a brief solid business plan is of vital importance. Mark Majzner says that a good business plan is like a road map for success; follow it and your chances of getting lost along the way are slim. Try to navigate the difficult world of business ownership without a plan, however, and you will find yourself lost in no time. If you are unsure how to craft a quality business plan, there are experts out there who will help you, says Mark Majzner. Do not skip this all-important step at any cost.

       Follow through. Even those who have a plan sometimes fail to adhere to it, and this is another troublesome spot for new entrepreneurs, says Mark Majzner. After experiencing some success there is a big temptation to jump into the deep end all at once, but Mark Majzner's experience has taught him that caution and prudence are the name of the game. Be very flexible, test, learn and readjust your plan to create a business that responds to market demands. Have fun. Business is difficult, but it also needs to be your passion; therefore it needs to be fun. Mark Majzner encourages lightening up once in a while.

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