The life of an international businessman like Mark Majzner is not always an easy one. Often it involves long hours, lots of travel, and keeping strange hours to accommodate conference calls in different time zones, to name just a few hazards. Mark Majzner has been an international businessman for over 20 years, so he knows more than a thing or two about how rough it can sometimes be. Living such a lifestyle, it can seem incredibly difficult at times to find time to stay healthy, eat right, and be fit. However, it is even more important that people in such high-stress lifestyles make time for their own health, Mark Majzner says. Here are a few of his tips.

       Start the day strong. Get up 30 minutes early and go for a light jog, a bike ride, or do yoga or meditate. If you cannot get out for prolonged activity, do some stretching or meditation in the hotel room. Mark Majzner would like to stress the importance of getting your circulation going and your energy up early in the morning; the adrenaline and the endorphins will help carry you through a long day.

       Eat well. It can be very difficult to eat well while constantly on the go, says Mark Majzner. Airline food has come a long way, but all the same many find it difficult to maintain a proper diet while traveling. Mark Majzner suggests making the extra effort to find healthy alternatives - or even packing your own - in order to be sure your food is giving you the right kind of energy.

       Get your rest. Mark Majzner is a big believer in the power of a good night's sleep, and worries about the trend toward more work and less sleep in the modern world. He recommends getting proper shut-eye as a great remedy and limiting the amount of alcohol and coffee consumed while travelling.

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